Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tuesday Top Ten: Wireless Network Names, Part 3

So the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup last night.  I'm still not sure how the score went from 2-1 Boston to 3-2 Hawks in the matter of 17 seconds, but it was another hell of a celebration.  While there wasn't a makeshift Cup that I drank beer out of and I didn't get beer sprayed in my eye this year, I learned from my celebratory mistakes in 2010, which ensured that this time, I wasn't still drunk at noon the next day while trying to avoid any and all contact with co-workers.  I only stayed out until 1, rather than 3, and Vampire Monet did not make an appearance (although that had more to do with the fact that Jester wasn't here, and that the humor is generally lost on Harley).  Nonetheless, I woke up this morning feeling like someone had given my stomach the business end of a sock full of quarters.  I guess combining good beer, shitty beer, whiskey, champagne, Irish car bombs, and two types of chicken wings has real life consequences.  Live and learn for next time.

All of this has nothing to do with today's Tuesday Top Ten, which is another list of hilarious and weird wireless network names that I have come across as an iPhone user (see also part one from June 2012 and part two from November 2012).  These are in alphabetical order.

1.  225 west of yo ass
2.  Ass_Lord_of_the_North
4.  BadMuthaFucker
5.  C&C Music Factory
6.  CIA Van #3
7.  dicks
8.  Mark It Zero
9.  nofatties
10.  your mom goes to college

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