Thursday, January 11, 2018

New Book: How Music Works by David Byrne

At some point in November, I finished reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King. I found it rather enjoyable.  I have never seen the 1989 movie, but perhaps I should check that out.  The book is about an old pet cemetery in a small Maine town that has been maintained by the town's children (hence the misspelling) and that has some mystical powers because it's near an ancient Indian burial ground (of course).  The kicker is that said Indian burial ground has special resurrectional (if that's a word) powers.  After a couple and their two young kids and cat move to town and the cat gets hit by a car, the father takes it to the burial ground at the behest of an old neighbor who has lived in the town all his life.  Good idea or bad idea?  You'll have to read to find out.

After that, I read James Brown's 1986 autobiography, which was great.  It was written before several legal issues in the late '80s, although it has apparently been updated since then.  The version I read was the original one, so it was all rosy at the end, as The Godfather of Soul was fresh off his career-rejuvenating appearance in Rocky IV.  The man was truly amazing, and he certainly earned his nickname "The Hardest Working Man in Show Business."  If only he could have hired an accountant to pay his taxes for him.  I finished that one up in December at some point and have been wasting my train trips playing Words With Friends and draining my monthly data allotment.

I am now about to start reading How Music Works by David Byrne.  As you may or may not (but probably should) know, Byrne was the lead singer and lead songwriter for Talking Heads.  The book was recommended to me by multiple people, and apparently it's kind of a combination of autobiography and musical theory.  We'll see how that -- wait for it -- works.  See what I did there?

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