Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday Top Ten: Reasons My Wife Is Awesome

Today is the anniversary of the birth of my lovely wife, Jesterio the Magnificent.  She likes candy.  Here are the top ten reasons my wife is awesome.

10.  According to at least one sealed police report, she can hot-wire a Bobcat.

9.  She's really good at making homemade costumes of animals that fly, even though she hates Halloween.

8.  She didn't mind that I sold the rights to the story of how we met to Carter Bays and Craig Thomas.

7.  One time, she got into a fight with a dumpster and lost.  Big time.  Yet she still goes into alleys from time to time.

6.  This:

5.  She honestly wants to get into falconry.  What's with the bird fixation?

4.  She understands and enjoys Wed Anderson movies.

3.  She encourages me to speak like Vampire Monet in the bedroom.

2.  She birthed me three lovely children:  Daughter, Lollipop, and Son.

1.  When I suggest on her birthday that we throw a Halloween party on the Saturday before Halloween, she says no, but suggests that I should instead dress up and go out, as long as I trick-or-treat with the kids on Halloween.

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