Monday, May 14, 2018

Midwestern Eavesdropping

Fortysomething male:  "I think we all have situational Crohn's Disease."
Eavesdropper:  The Loose-Lipped Lithuanian

Sixtysomething male, far too loud, to his wife while waiting in long line to buy tickets on Mother's Day:  "You are the most annoying person I have ever encountered in my fucking life."
--Arlington Heights, IL, Arlington Race Course
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Thirtysomething male at a bar:  "I don't have hair on my chest.  I'm a total twink."
--Chicago, Ceres, 141 W. Jackson
Eavesdropper:  The Loose-Lipped Lithuanian

Businessman in his late 30s or early 40s, to a taxi driver outside a hotel:  "Do you go to the airport?"
--Chicago, State and Illinois
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Fortysomething male:  "Every culture has their own fermented shit."
--Chicago, Ceres, 141 W. Jackson
Eavesdropper:  The Loose-Lipped Lithuanian

As always, if you overhear something funny or ridiculous (or that can be taken completely out of context), email it to, along with the location you heard it and your preferred eavesdropping handle, for inclusion in the next exciting edition of Midwestern Eavesdropping.

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