Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Retro Video of the Week: "From a Distance" by Bette Midler

Our COVID-19-related Retro Videos of the Week continue with one of the cheesiest, sappiest songs you'll ever hear.  Originally recorded by country singer Nanci Griffith in 1987, "From a Distance" was covered by Bette Midler in 1990, becoming a huge hit (#2 on the Billboard Hot 100) and winning the Grammy for Song of the Year in 1991.

We are (or should be) doing everything from a distance these days, whether it's chatting with friends and family members on Zoom or FaceTime, keeping six feet behind the person in front of us in line at the grocery store, standing on the sidewalk in front of a friend's house for a socially distanced beer while he or she stays on the porch, or doing one of those ridiculous drive-by birthday train things where everyone lays on the horn like some kid turning three is going to give a shit or even remember.

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