Thursday, June 11, 2020

Midwestern Eavesdropping

Drunk wife to husband, discussing the possibility of coitus:  "If Gozer asks me if I'm a god, you can have me."
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Fortysomething man, to friends, after ignoring phone call:  "My parents keep calling me. (pause) Oh, I guess it's their anniversary."
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Fortysomething Chicagoan male:  "I think if I've had COVID, I'm going up to Wisconsin to party."
Eavesdropper:  The Loose-Lipped Lithuanian

Husband and wife, while husband is disgruntledly putting together a backyard swing set for their kids:
Husband:  "As soon as you want this down, I'll have it down in two minutes."
Wife:  "After a year or two, maybe we can give it to my cousin, although you'd probably be happy to leave it in the alley or burn it."
Husband:  "I'll burn it tonight."
Eavesdropper:  Pukus

As always, if you overhear something funny or ridiculous (or that can be taken completely out of context), email it to, along with the location you heard it and your preferred eavesdropping handle, for inclusion in the next exciting edition of Midwestern Eavesdropping.

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