Thursday, January 24, 2019

RESULTS: Elite Eight Voting for Coolest American Man of the Last 100 Years

Voting for the Elite Eight of the Coolest American Man of the Last 100 Years is over, and there were some more upsets.

Again, if there is a tie in the voting, the tiebreaker goes to the higher seed.  Here's how you voted:

The Dead Man's Bracket

In a battle of the Rope-a-Dope against promiscuity, the Greatest prevailed.  2-seed Muhammad Ali topped 1-seed Wilt Chamberlain, 58%-42%, to win the title of Coolest Dead American Athlete of the Last 100 Years.

The Coolest Dead American Actor of the Last 100 Years isn't too much of a shocker.  1-seed Paul Newman held off 3-seed Bruce Lee, 57%-43%.  

This was one of the brackets where the top two seeds went down in the Sweet 16, leaving 3-seed Prince and 4-seed Jim Morrison to battle for crown.  They ended in a tie, so Prince gets the nod because he was the higher seed.

Aside from Dead Athletes, this was the only other bracket with a 1-2 matchup in the Elite Eight.  It wasn't much of a matchup.  Rampant boozing and cats with too many toes are no match for smoking jackets and bunnies.  1-seed Hugh Hefner destroyed 2-seed Ernest Hemingway, 78%-22%.

The Living Man's Bracket

In the battle of Nike icons, 1-seed Michael Jordan took home the win over 7-seed Bo Jackson with the highest margin of victory in the Elite Eight, 87%-13%.

Apparently Robert Redford was underseeded at 4, as he edged out 3-seed Matthew McConaughey, 52%-48%, to earn the title of Coolest Living American Actor of the Last 100 Years.

We also underestimated the coolness of a top hat, Les Paul, and a cigarette, as 4-seed Slash upset 2-seed Dave Grohl rather handily, 65%-35%.

This one played out pretty much how we expected, with 1-seed Chuck Yeager cruising at the speed of sound past 3-seed Mark Cuban, 74%-26%, ending my dream that a Hoosier would be the Coolest American Man of the Last 100 Years.

The Final Four
So we have now arrived at the Final Four in both brackets, and I know what you're thinking:  "How the hell are you going to handle the Final Four?  And what if there are two guys with the same seed number?  What then?  What then?!"  Well, fair reader, here's what we're gonna do.  In both brackets, we are going to take the highest-remaining seed and pit him against the lowest-remaining seed, and then the other semi will be the other two remaining men.  In the event there are ties among seeds, the tie will be broken by average margin of victory in the previous three rounds.

With that, here are your Final Four matchups (with the average margin of victory where there were ties in seed numbers):

The Dead Man's Bracket
#1 Other - Hugh Hefner (71.3% avg. margin of victory) vs. #3 Musician - Prince
#1 Hollywood - Paul Newman (71.3% avg. margin of victory) vs. #2 Athlete - Muhammad Ali

The Living Man's Bracket
#1 Athlete - Michael Jordan (84% avg. margin of victory) vs. #4 Musician - Slash (36% avg. margin of victory)
#1 Other - Chuck Yeager (54.7% avg. margin of victory) vs. #4 Hollywood - Robert Redford (39.3% avg. margin of victory)

We will post a separate post momentarily for Final Four voting.

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