Monday, August 19, 2019

Midwestern Eavesdropping

Thirtysomething female, futilely attempting to use chopsticks:  "Now I know why Asians are so skinny.  They can't get half the food off their plate."
--Chicago, Duck Duck Goat, 857 W. Fulton Market
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Fortysomething divorced male at a baseball game:  "Lotta good looking preggos here. (pause) And you know they're puttin' out."
--Chicago, Guaranteed Rate Field, 35th and Shields
Eavedropper:  GMYH

As always, if you overhear something funny or ridiculous (or that can be taken completely out of context), email it to, along with the location you heard it and your preferred eavesdropping handle, for inclusion in the next exciting edition of Midwestern Eavesdropping.

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