Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Retro Video of the Week: "It Ain't Over 'til It's Over" by Lenny Kravitz

Through no fault of yours, I'm managed to forget to post a Retro Video of the Week the last couple weeks.  But it's back, and it's still COVID-themed.  This week's selection is Lenny Kravitz's 1991 soulful hit "It Ain't Over 'til It's Over."  It remains his highest-charting song in the U.S., reaching #2 on the Billboard Hot 100, and while it was written about Kravitz's then-disintegrating marriage to Lisa Bonet, the title and message of the song are timely these days.

You see, there are a lot of people and politicians out there who -- despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary and massively increasing COVID cases and deaths in many parts of the country -- (1) think COVID is a hoax; (2) refuse to wear masks for whatever stupid reason; (3) think COVID only affects the elderly; and/or (4) think that we should open everything back up, including schools.

To those people, I say this:  You FUCKING MORONS.  This isn't a hoax.  This isn't as harmless as the flu.  This isn't a liberal conspiracy.  It's a very fucking real virus that has killed nearly 140,000 people in the U.S. and nearly 600,000 worldwide.  There is no vaccine or reliable treatment.  That means, that until either of those things is a reality, you have to stop being a selfish asshole because, to quote Lenny Kravitz, it ain't over 'til it's over -- whether that means a vaccine, a reliable treatment, or your death.  A virus doesn't give a shit if you're inconvenienced by wearing a mask, having businesses operate at less than full capacity, or having your kids do e-learning.  It is not a rational being capable of making rational choices.  BUT YOU ARE.  Wear a fucking mask.  Research has shown that this is the most effective way to prevent the spread of COVID.  If everyone wore a mask, there wouldn't be nearly as big a need to close/limit businesses and schools because masks prevent the virus from spreading.  Don't go to bars.  Don't go to parties.  Don't go to beaches.  Don't act like nothing is wrong just because you really wish nothing was wrong.  We all really wish nothing was wrong, but unless you stop acting like a spoiled fucking brat, there are going to be more deaths, more required business and school closures, more stay-at-home orders until a vaccine or reliable treatment is widely available.  Stop being an asshole.  Wear a mask.  Wash your hands.  Don't touch your mouth.  Socially distance.  If we all do those things, COVID-19 and its drastic effects on our economy and lifestyles will be over a lot more quickly than if we don't. 

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