Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday Top Ten: Songs for Trump's Last Day

To quote Gerald Ford -- something I can honestly say I never thought I'd write -- "My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over. Our Constitution works; our great Republic is a government of laws and not of men. Here the people rule."  As we are now less than 24 hours until the end of the Trump presidency, most of our country is rejoicing.  Despite his constant lies and disillusionment, his conspiracy theories, his inflammatory words, and his efforts to steal the election from the American people, we can take solace in the fact that our Republic is stronger than a huckster wannabe despot.  And I have some music to help you celebrate it!

I can't tell you how glad I am to be writing this post, rather than a despondent, vague apocalyptic, and unfortunately somewhat prescient post about the misery of the next four years, like I did shortly after the election in 2016.  God dammit, we did it.  And let us never forget that Donald Trump was the third-biggest losing incumbent president in U.S. history in terms of the popular vote (and less than 300 votes from being the second-biggest loser -- maybe Biden can call the Secretary of State in California or New York and ask them to find 300 more votes!), and when you combine his popular vote margin losses from 2016 and 2020, over 9.9 million more voters voted against him than for him, making his combined popular vote margin deficit the sixth largest among all presidential candidates in U.S. history.  But it was stolen!

Here are ten songs you can play tomorrow, as you're watching an overweight orange charlatan being dragged out of the White House.  While I'm sure there are many more songs that could have made the list, these are the first ten that popped in my head that seemed to capture my emotions (in alphabetical order by artist).

1.  "Get The Fuck Out Of My House" by 2 Live Crew
If Biden isn't blaring this on his way into the White House, I'm happy to apply to be his new White House Music Director.  I assume that's a real position.

2.  "I Feel Free" by Cream
For a lot of Americans who aren't straight white males, the last four years weren't so great.  Hopefully this can be their anthem as we transition to an administration with decency.

3.  "Return of the Mack" by Mark Morrison
Not only is "The Mack" (I assume that's Biden's Secret Service nickname) returning, but the chorus applies to Donny:  "You lied to me."  After all, he did lie more than any other president in our country's history.

4.  "It's Over" by Roy Orbison
Orbison was a master of dramatic rock and roll ballads, like "In Dreams," "Running Scared," and this one, "It's Over."  I really wish I had the time and technical know-how to make a montage of pictures of Trump and his merry band of idiots over the last few months set to this song.

5.  "Don't Come Around Here No More" by Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
It's not just that Trump lost, but I think one of the messages starting tomorrow is that the brand of fraud, lies, and hate that he has espoused and encouraged the last four-plus years should no longer be tolerated, and we, as a country, should push that shit out.

6.  "The Loser in the End" by Queen
For a man who claimed that "we're going to win so much, you're going to be so sick and tired of winning" to end up being someone who will likely go down as the worst president in American history (sorry, Buchanan) is perhaps the biggest compliment to his ability to his cult leader-like ability to pull the wool over so many people's eyes.  But thankfully, he is a loser in the end. 

7.  "Goodbye to You" by Scandal
I've basically had this song in my head since November 7.

8.  "Party's Over" by Tesla
Perhaps a bellwether of the GOP.

9.  "Get Out of Here" by Thin Lizzy
"Do I make myself plain? / I don't every wanna see you again."

10.  "New Age" by The Velvet Underground
Thanks to alphabetism (that's a word, right?), it just happened that the last song on the list is about "the beginning of a new age."

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