Friday, October 09, 2020

Rocktober '80s Song #7: "Shake Me" by Cinderella (1986)

For this week's Hair Band Friday Rocktober selection, I'm going with Cinderella's very first single, "Shake Me," off of their 1986 debut album, Night Songs.  The album hit #3 on the Billboard album charts and eventually went triple platinum in the U.S.  After "Take Me Back" (from 1988's Long Cold Winter album), "Shake Me" is probably my favorite Cinderella song.  I know for sure it's Son's favorite Cinderella song.  I don't have a whole lot to say about it, other than it's a great, catchy hard rock song.  

The video plays on the Cinderella theme, with two wicked stepsisters taunting the more attractive "Cinderella" that they get to go to the Cinderella concert, but she doesn't.  What they clearly don't realize is that the Cinderella poster on her wall is actually a portal directly to the Cinderella concert, so not only does she get to go to the concert without the hassle of tracking down a fairy godmother who can convert a pumpkin into a stagecoach, but she lands right on the stage and hangs out in the front row.  You can imagine the wicked stepsisters' shock and disappointment when they are waiting after the show to hang out with the band, and who do they see getting into Cinderella's limo?  Cinderella herself.  Maybe be nicer to your stepsister, bitches.

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