Thursday, September 13, 2007

Another Worthy Cause: Saving Breasts

Everyone loves breasts. Women love having them, and men love women having them. That's why it's important for everyone to help people out when they are doing something crazy to save breasts, like walking 60 miles in three days. As you may know, both Kyla and Lutzow's wife Katie recently completed the breast cancer walk in the Chicago area. Now, Shepley's wife (yes, that does read "Shepley's" followed by "wife"), Kim, is doing the same in Atlanta.

Here are the details, from Kim herself:

"As you may know, this spring I had a crazy idea, I decided that I would take on a challenge of walking 60 miles in three days, sleep in a tent, shower in a trailer and raise $2,200 all for the cause of Breast Cancer research. Since the decision in the spring I have been training by walking several miles a week getting my body and mostly my feet ready for the big event. That's right, on October 12th I will begin a three day venture with approximately 2000 other dedicated people to walk 60 miles in the Atlanta, GA area.

I write to ask you to help support me and the cause of breast cancer research. I have an obligation to raise $2,200 dollars for the cause, in the event I am short I will be obligated to make up the difference personally. I am asking that you consider a $1 or $2 dollar per mile donation, but please know that any amount you can donate would be much appreciated."

Alright GMYH readers, as Katie Lutzow said, "Help save second base." You can make an online donation at Since the walk starts on October 12, you should donate before then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Breasts are overrated. I prefer a tight vag and a size zero ass.