Friday, September 30, 2011

The Return of Rocktober

As I have done the past two Octobers, starting Monday I will again honor the greatest month of the year by discussing a different hard rock album every weekday I am in town and am able to listen to music at work and blog about it that evening.  In the past two years, I have reviewed a total of 43 albums, and, yes, there are still many more to be reviewed and more coming over on boats every day.  Some albums will be well-known, and some will be less well-known.  Genres will range from punk to indie rock to classic rock to metal.  Fridays will, of course, feature albums by hair bands because that's what Fridays do.  The week before Halloween will feature albums that have relatively mysterious, evil, macabre, or dark themes.  Rest assured, everything album reviewed will, in fact, rock.  For it is Rocktober!

And this Rocktober, there will be an additional treat:  your opportunity to vote for the Best Band ofOur Generation.  The 32-band field will be revealed on Monday, and voting will start Monday as well.  Good God, what a Rocktober.

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