Friday, January 13, 2012

Some Skinning Music

Silence of the Lambs is perhaps the most unintentionally funny movie of all-time.  On a macro level, it should be scary:  a psychothriller about a young FBI agent trying to track down a serial killer with the help of an imprisoned cannibalistic former psychiatrist/serial killer.  On a micro level, it's hysterical:  Buffalo Bill's mocking wail of the chick in his basement well; Buffalo Bill dancing nude in front of his own video camera with his dong tucked between his legs; "Would you fuck me? I would fuck me."; Hannibal's voice; Buffalo Bill's voice; Clarice's voice; "do the lambs still cry, Clarice?"; Jame Gumb; Lecter eating that guard's face; a supermax inmate defying physics by throwing his man goo on Clarice mere minutes after telling her "I can smell your cunt"; "He said 'I can smell your cunt.'"  "I see.  I myself cannot."; "Oh wait, was she a great big fat person?"; tales of eating a government employee's liver with fava beans and a nice chianti; "Tell me, mum, when your little girl is on the slab, where will it tickle you?"; "His pulse never got above 85, even when he ate her tongue"; and, last but certainly not least, "it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again."

The band The Greenskeepers have used the last one (and other Buffalo Bill-isms) as inspiration for a song, with an accompanying video of clips from Silence of the Lambs.  Thanks to Bonham for the link.  Enjoy.

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