Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Tuesday Top Ten: Online Headline Bloopers

I've been extremely busy returning videotapes for the last few days, so I haven't had time to write a Tuesday Top Ten.  Luckily, the people at various websites like onlinecolleges.com, onlinecolleges.org, and onlinecolleges.net have been flooding my inbox with the many articles they think overlap with the subject matter of GMYH.  Most of the time they are wrong, since I don't care and don't blog about the "25 classroom apps that Romanian science teachers are buzzing about."  Apparently my polite email responses indicating that the subject matter of such articles has nothing to do with the subject matter of what I blog about (music, sports, caring for transgender pets, etc.) has only encouraged them to send more of these irrelevant articles and tell their friends to send me irrelevant articles.  So now I have just been deleting the irrelevant emails without so much as a salutatory response.  Egad!  Anywho, about 14% of the emails I get still have something I find interesting (and think you might find interesting).  The good people at OnlineCertificatePrograms.org sent me a link to their article, "10 Headline Bloopers that Probably Got Someone Fired."  Sometimes people are idiots, and when they are, we should laugh at their mistakes.

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