Monday, October 15, 2012

More Evil: Bill Murray or Brad Wesley?

Road House is one of those movies that, whenever I come across it on TV, I have to watch it.  On more than one occasion, I have actually started watching it on TV and then realized I was wasting precious time, so I popped in the DVD instead.  The movie has everything:  an NYU-educated head bouncer with a lion's mane of hair and a heart of gold; a juke joint in the middle of Missouri that needs a badass bouncer to clean it up; Jeff Healey; a dastardly villain who owns the town; a character named Red played by a man named Red; a dastardly henchman who admittedly used to have sex with men like the NYU-educated bouncer while in prison; taxidermy; a boot knife; and, of course, Kelly Lynch getting nailed in a barn loft.

It's the last point that has apparently caught the fancy of Bill Murray and his brothers.  Kelly Lynch is married to Mitch Glazer, who co-wrote Scrooged, which, of course, starred Bill Murray.  Every time Road House comes on TV and gets to the scene where Dalton is slipping Lynch's character the old salami, one or more of the Murray brothers calls Glazer and tells him that Kelly is having sex with Patrick Swayze right now.  Bill has even called Glazer from Russia.  Think of how often Road House is on TV.  I wish I had a friend whose wife was banged on screen by a ghost in a movie that is on TV approximately twelve times a day, so that I could do the same thing.  I also wish I was Bill Murray.  Thanks to Josh and Dave for nearly simultaneously sending me the link (which includes an embedded video of the sex scene that prompts the Murrays to pick up the phone).

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