Wednesday, December 11, 2019

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Beer: Grandl

Today's selection is a lager called Grandl, brewed by Ankerbräu Nördlingen, which is aptly located in Nördlingen, a burg on the far western border of Bavaria, a stone's throw from Baden-Württemberg, about 65 miles east of Stuttgart and 85 miles northwest of Munich.  Grandl is a fine German lager.  i should have known I was in for a treat when the can itself said "Aged patiently - For a golden color and a classy taste."  Indeed!

Name:  Grandl
Brewery:  Ankerbräu Nördlingen
Location:  Nördlingen, Germany
ABV:  5.0%
Good for drinking if:  Your son is barking for the Yak Woman.
Rating (out of five stars, by quarter star increments):  4

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