Friday, December 06, 2019

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Beer: Erlkönig Hell

It's not every day you drink a beer named after a Goethe poem, but today's beer advent calendar selection is Erlkönig Hell, brewered by Erl-Bräu, which is located in Geiselhöring in Bavaria, about 70-75 miles northeast of Munich.  As the name implies, Erlkönig Hell is a helles beer.  It shares a name with Goethe's poem "Erlkönig" -- your classic 18th Century German tale about a child who is preyed on by some sort of demon or fairy known as the Erlkönig, which translates to "Elf King."  This is why it makes sense that it's in a beer advent calendar, as Santa also has elves, albeit nice ones.  The beer is no king.  It's just okay.  It's a pretty standard helles, which means it's a pretty standard European lager.

Name:  Erlkönig Hell
Brewery:  Erl-Bräu
Location:  Geiselhöring, Germany
ABV:  5.0%
Good for drinking if:  You want to feel like you're in pretty much any bar in western or central Europe and drinking the most average beer they have.
Rating (out of five stars, by quarter star increments):  3.75

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