Thursday, January 09, 2020

Midwestern Eavesdropping

Two five-year-old boys talking to each other:
Boy #1:  "Johnny, you're hysterical!"
Boy #2:  "Jimmy, you're a testicle!"
Eavesdropper:  RR

Drunk thirtysomething female to group of friends at Christmas party:  "If I seduce any of you, it's not intentional.  It's just the way my body works."
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Twentysomething male to female at restaurant:  "My dad used to think I was autistic."
--Chicago, Twin Anchors, 1655 N. Sedgwick
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

As always, if you overhear something funny or ridiculous (or that can be taken completely out of context), email it to, along with the location you heard it and your preferred eavesdropping handle, for inclusion in the next exciting edition of Midwestern Eavesdropping.

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