Friday, October 22, 2021

Rocktober '90s Song #15: "Morning Glory" by Oasis (1995)

Next week is Halloween Week, so all the Rocktober songs will be appropriately themed in that respect.  But until then, we have one more "regular" '90s rock song.  I haven't yet featured any Britpop songs, and it would be a disservice to the '90s if I did a '90s Rocktober without a Britpop song.

The Britpop genre developed in the UK in the early to mid '90s as kind of reaction to the sullenness of grunge and shoegaze.  While it was more pop oriented, it was still generally guitar-driven rock, with bands like Oasis, Blur, Suede, and Pulp leading the way.  Oasis's second studio album, 1995's (What's The Story) Morning Glory?, is generally considered the defining album of the Britpop genre.  Last November, I posted about the album as part of CoronaVinyl, so you can read that post for more background and information on how huge the album was.

While the album features many of Oasis's best-known songs and biggest hits, like "Wonderwall," "Don't Look Back in Anger," "Champagne Supernova," "Roll With It," "Morning Glory," "Some Might Say," and "Hey Now!" They're all wonderful songs, but I am going with "Morning Glory" because it's the one that rocks the hardest, as this is, after all, Rocktober, not Britpoptober.

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