Monday, November 01, 2021

CoronaVinyl Day 338 (Various Artists): Mickey Mouse Disco by Various Artists

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After a lovely Rocktober, we're back to CoronaVinyl because, since many of you assholes still refuse to trust doctors and scientists, I am entering the 20th month of working from home.  Today's CoronaVinyl category is "Various Artists," and after a week of dark and scary music, I went in the complete opposite direction with the 1979 album Mickey Mouse Disco.

How do you know when a genre has gone past its artistic prime?  When Disney makes an album full of songs from said genre to cash in on the fad.  That's what happened in 1979, which was near the end of the disco era.  By then, disco had gone from urban clubs to Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom.  This album is a cheesy compilation of "disco-fied" versions of popular Disney songs (like "It's a Small World" and "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah") and Disney takes  on popular disco songs (like "Macho Duck").  It represents everything that's awful about the combination of capitalism and art.  The album is ridiculous.

Surprisingly or perhaps unsurprisingly, the album reached a respectable #35 on the Billboard album chart and eventually went double platinum in the U.S.

Favorite Song on Side 1:  "Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah"
How to update an Academy Award winning song from 1946 from a movie that is racist enough that not even Disney reproduces it?  Set it to a disco beat, make a chorus of presumably attractive ladies sing it, and pretend like the Song of the South was never made.

Favorite Song on Side 2:  "Macho Duck"
I've always been more of a Donald fan than a Mickey fan, probably because he has the moxie to walk around without pants on.  But don't you dare suggest he's not macho.

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