Thursday, August 13, 2020

Midwestern Eavesdropping

Two six-year-old boys have a conversation:
Boy #1:  "I know how to turn people into robots."
Boy #2:  "In real life?"
Boy #1:  "Yeah."
Boy #2:  "Jesus."
Eavesdropper:  Wurst Salat

Thirtysomething on phone with strip club:  "Are masks required on Sniffer's Row?" (pause) "Okay, what about on the dancers?" (pause) "Makes sense.  What's the foot-on-denim situation?"
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Six-year-old boy yelling at eight-year-old sister in a store:  "I've never had a boomerang before, so don't judge me!"
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Ten-year-old girl who has never been to a state fair, to a friend:  "At a state fair, you can basically get anything fried on a stick."
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

Six-year-old boy to his friend's dad:  "I've watched some YouTube videos about how to get on the dark web without getting caught."
Friend's dad:  "Pretty much everything on the dark web is illegal."
Boy:  "What about potions?"
Friend's dad:  "What kind of potions do you think you're going to get on the dark web?"
Boy:  "There's a lot of shapeshifting potions that can turn people into animals."
Friend's dad:  "Well those don't exist.  Where did you hear that?"
Boy:  "YouTube."
Eavesdropper:  GMYH

As always, if you overhear something funny or ridiculous (or that can be taken completely out of context), email it to, along with the location you heard it and your preferred eavesdropping handle, for inclusion in the next exciting edition of Midwestern Eavesdropping.

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