Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Retro Video of the Week: "Ghost Town" by The Specials

This week's COVID-19-related Retro Video of the Week is British ska/two-tone band The Specials' 1981 hit "Ghost Town."  The song hit #1 on the UK pop charts, and it was a timely take on the urban decay, unemployment, and violence that was ravaging the UK at the time as a result of a recession.  For our purposes, when the second wave of COVID hits -- and it will -- sadly, I think we will see cities and towns having to shut down again.  Then again, if we all do our part now, like wear masks and socially distance, then we have a better chance of preventing major shut downs.  I don't hold out any hope for that, given how things have been going, though.  Stop being selfish.

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