Thursday, December 09, 2021

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Beer: Hubbard's Cave Gingerbread Milk of the Murder Hornet

Beer #9 in the advent calendar was an IPA, but fear not, it was pretty much the only kind of IPA I tolerate, a milkshake IPA.  If you're not familiar with Hubbard's Cave, it's a fantastic sister brand of Une Annee in suburban Chicago.  Hubbard's Cave makes a lot of fantastic imperial stouts with sweet tendencies, like beers that taste like blueberry French toast and the like, and they're almost all 12%, which makes them great winter brunch beers.  Anyway, Milk of the Murder Hornet is a milkshake IPA series they do, and they have several variants, none of which I've had until tonight.  The gingerbread variant is good.  It's an imperial IPA with lactose, vanilla beans, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon.  Like many milkshake IPAs, the sweetness from the lactose masks the hoppiness, and the winter spices give it a nice seasonal feel.  I should also note that murder hornets -- and any hornets, really -- do not have teats and, therefore, do not produce milk.

Name:  Gingerbread Milk of the Murder Hornet
Brewery:  Hubbard's Cave
Location:  Niles, IL
ABV:  8.5%
Good for drinking if:  You decide a little bit too late in the evening to tell your kids that it's time to decorate the Christmas tree, but then after you put the lights up, you realize it's past the kids' bedtime, so you tell them we'll have to put the ornaments on the tree at a later date, sending them into hysterics.
Rating (out of five stars, by quarter star increments):  4

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