Thursday, March 28, 2019

New Book: Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix by Charles R. Cross

A few weeks ago, I finished reading The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King.  It's a short novel about a 9-year-old girl who gets lost in the woods while on a family hiking in 1998, after she takes a pee break and then can't find her way back to the trail.  She makes a few wrong turns and has to survive for over a week with nothing but a little food, some water, her wits, and her walkman, which she uses to tune into Red Sox games.  She hallucinates that her favorite baseball player, then-Red Sox closer Tom "Flash" Gordon (who was in the midst of an All-Star season that year), comes to talk to her and help guide her through the woods.  But there is something else that lurks in among the trees.  Will it capture our young heroine before she can find her way out or be found?  I'm not telling.

Since then, I started reading Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix by Charles R. Cross.  It's somewhat timely for me, since I was lucky enough to see the Experience Hendrix tour last Friday at Chicago Theatre.  Since I knew that was coming up, I decided to start this book a couple weeks ago.  Other than The Beatles, I have more Jimi Hendrix music in my catalog than any other band or artist.  I know his music inside and out -- and I know about Monterrey Pop, Woodstock, and the legendary stories about legendary guitarists seeing him for the first time and realizing they wouldn't ever be the world's best guitarist -- but I don't really know much about his childhood or personal life.  Turns out his childhood was pretty shitty!  But it got better -- well, until 27.

Books Read in 2019:
-The Anatomy of Evil by Michael H. Stone, M.D.
-The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King

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