Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shit I Hate: "We are pregnant."

Guys, let's get one thing straight: we are not pregnant. We are expecting, but WE are certainly not pregnant. Not only would I be lying if I implied that both Jester and I are pregnant, but I would also be doing a great disservice to introductory biology teachers everywhere.


The Weez said...

People just have that misconception about you since you're moody, bloated and you squat to pee...

Anonymous said...

Your parenting grade thus far: F.

GMYH said...

Do you even know me? Because if you're judging me by my blog, then you're a fucking moron, but probably a very good parent. If you want, I can start posting about how I painted a nursery, drove to the burbs to buy a crib, assembled said crib, risked life and limb by driving to Rogers Park to buy a dresser, drove all around the burbs to register, go to doctors appointments, or any of the many other things I choose not to blog about because they're none of your fucking business. Odds are, you don't know me. Judge not lest ye be judged. That's something I will teach my children.

In sum, if you have a problem with me, email me and we can talk about all of the parenting concerns you may have.

Anonymous said...

wow...that escalated.