Monday, June 28, 2010

Range Rovers Being Range Rovers

I make no secret of my disdain for people who drive Range Rovers. I find them to generally be self-entitled and obnoxious. Case in point: yesterday, some guys who appeared to be in their mid 20s were moving into an apartment on my block. Rather than block the street, they parked their U-Haul in an alley a few doors down from their new apartment. The U-Haul was not blocking anyone's garage or parking spot. Jester and I were walking the dog and Daughter, and we see a Range Rover drive up to the back of the U-Haul and honk. A short exchange ensued, whereby the fortysomething d-bag driving told two guys carrying a dresser that they were blocking the alley and that he needed to get in. One of the kids said that he wasn't blocking any spots along the alley and said, "We only have a couple more loads." There were only a couple things left in the truck.

Jester and I were making a motion that the driver could go around and enter the alley from the other side, as maybe he didn't know that the U-Haul wasn't a block long. He rolled down his window. I said, "I think you can get in from the other side of the alley." He said, "I need to get in this way because I have to back into my garage." Obviously. So this guy was going to make these kids move the U-Haul so he could enter the alley from what was apparently the only direction from which he could possibly maneuver in reverse into his garage. Douche. I bit my tongue and kept walking, since this jackass is, in theory, one of my neighbors. Granted, he is my only neighbor who often parks his Range Rover in front of a fire hydrant, but still, I decided to be civil (unlike a couple hours later, when I unleashed on some drunk college kid who lives behind me who pushed a bunch of glass candle holders onto my back walkway – it was fun watching him sweep it up while repeatedly saying "I'm so sorry.").

Anyway, I think that story is a great way to kick off a new segment of GMYH that I will call "Range Rovers Being Range Rovers." Range Rovers Being Range Rovers will feature photographs submitted by you, the GMYH readers, of Range Rovers doing exactly what we've come to expect from Range Rovers: parking in front of fire hydrants, blocking driveways, taking up two parking spots, and the like. I kindly ask you to take pictures of Range Rovers doing the assholish things they do, and email them to me at, and I'll post them for some good old-fashioned public shaming (not that people who drive Range Rovers are capable of feeling shame, or anything else for that matter). And, of course, I will black out any license plates, since people who drive Range Rovers have money to spend and are generally dicknoses, which is the perfect combination for lawsuits.

This concept was partially inspired by the photo below, sent to me by RobD about a month ago, taken at Dearborn and Goethe in Chicago. There is justice.

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