Friday, October 06, 2023

Rocktober '10s Song #5: "Near to the Wild Heart of Life" by Japandroids (2017)

For our next song, we go to the Great White North, with "Near to the Wild Heart of Life" by Vancouver-based duo Japandroids.  I love a good word combination, but in addition to that, I first heard about the band not long after they released their 2009 debut album Post-Nothing, which I thought was a clever reference to all the "post-" music genres (post-punk, post-grunge, etc.).  Their music definitely trends towards punk, but with some garage rock, indie rock, and alt rock mixed in.

In 2017, they released their third studio album, Near to the Wild Heart of Life, which was less punkish than their previous albums, expanding the band's musical catalog.  The title track kicks the album off with a bang.  Drummer David Prowse drives the song with breakneck beats, and then lead singer/guitarist Brian King brings a mid-era Replacements/Gaslight Anthem feel to the song with both his guitar playing and vocals.  The chorus is a sing-along, with elements of '80s glam rock with Prowse joining in with King.  The lyrics are very Springsteen-esque, about chasing your dreams and getting out of your hometown, leaving what you know to go to the big city.  All in all, the song just kicks ass.

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