Friday, July 24, 2009

Ways Not to Get a Job

It's always seemed to me that a job interview is a pretty easy thing to fuck up, but at the same time a really hard thing to fuck up. What I mean by that is that, even though the majority of job interviews may not result in a job, I assume every person in the world knows that there are certain things you should never say in a job interview. I am wrong.

My lovely wife and master of the sleight of hand, Jesterio the Magnificent, sent me a link to an article about dumb things that interviewees have said in actual interviews. When I read this, I was reminded of a guy I interviewed a few years ago. He went to a Midwestern law school that was ranked in the fourth tier (i.e., not great), and he was from California and went to school in California. I asked him why he chose to go to that law school, given where he was from. His answer? "It was the only accredited law school I got into." Brilliant. Needlesss to say, he didn't get an offer.

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