Sunday, July 10, 2011

Range Rovers Being Range Rovers

Unsurprisingly, the driver of a Range Rover got into an accident that killed a woman who had the gall to drive a Japanese compact car. He then apparently jumped out of his monstrosity of a vehicle and tried to run away, but was arrested. Presumably his linen pants, OluKai flip flops, and engorged sense of self-entitlement prevented him from making a swifter escape. Here are what I see as the possibilities for the cause of the accident:
(a) coked out of his mind
(b) texting while driving
(c) blew a stop sign because traffic laws don't apply to Range Rovers
(d) drunk off his ass after bottle service at Rockit
(e) admiring his Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses in the rearview mirror
(f) all of the above

Something tells me it's (f), although I'm sure whatever lawyer his father hires for him will disagree.

[UPDATE: Apparently, the Range Rover was stolen, and the perp was a 16-year-old who was drunk and high on weed and ecstacy, so I was only partially right.]

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