Monday, December 01, 2014

New Book: Do Not Sell At Any Price: The Wild, Obsessive Hunt for the World's Rarest 78rpm Records by Amanda Petrusich

I finished reading 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King a few weeks ago, and I forgot how much I like reading horror novels.  It has been a while since I looked forward to the train ride to and from work because of the book I was reading.  I definitely recommend this one if you haven't already read it, assuming you like horror novels, of course.

After that, I started reading Do Not Sell At Any Price: The Wild, Obsessive Hunt for the World's Rarest 78rpm Records by Amanda Petrusich, which is about collecting 78s, a type of record that hasn't been made in many decades.  The book details both the people who collect the records, as well as some of the artists and record companies that were making 78s.  It's an interesting read so far, although I can safely say that I have no desire to start collecting 78s.

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