Monday, May 12, 2008

Thanks, AT&T

My internet has been down at home since Friday. Why, you ask? Because AT&T went ahead and cancelled my phone service and, thus, my DSL service. Why, you ask? They don't know. That's the answer I got. It shouldn't have happened, and they have no idea how it happened. Thanks, shitheads. And of course it take 24-48 (read: at least 72 so far) hours for them to flip a switch to turn my service back on. I called tonight to see how everyone over in India was doing, and then I was transferred to the ordering department, and there appears to have been no progress whatsoever. In fact, things may have regressed because the kind woman in Ordering seemed to have no idea what was going on. But rest assured, my service should be back up within the next 24-48 hours. I shit you not. Geniuses. At least it's no longer SBC, because they would have yelled at me on the phone, somehow blaming it on me and then charging me a re-installation fee after they failed to turn my service back on. And the cycle would have recurred several times before they actually turned it back on, and even after realizing that it was their mistake, they would have yelled at me for bothering them while they were at work.

So, Kazda, you ask, "When did this blog turn into an 8th Grade tape making exchange?" Well, it was sometime on Friday. I can post Mixwit tapes from the Mixwit site (and thus from work). I cannot post on the blog from work, however. Many apologies. See the above paragraph.

By the way, thanks to Tradd and Ryan for their generosity and use of their wireless internet connection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry GMYH, I got greedy - much like Martin Prince in the soy market. This blog is all I have going in my life and to not have my daily dose of your literary stylings left me disgruntled. You are my density.