Monday, July 31, 2006

Try This

I don't have much time to write because I'm busy as hell today. Once again, I had the pleasure of driving to Geneva (Illinois, not Switzerland) for a hearing in which I spent about 68 seconds before the judge. An hour and a half each way with no air conditioning in 100-degree heat just doesn't seem to be justified.

On a bright note, when I got back to the office, I realized that my office had been switched. That's right, I no longer call a conference room "my office." Thanks in large part to someone else quitting, I now have a real, genuine, bona fide office. Blogger is once again not allowing me to post pictures, so let me describe my office for you: a violent shitstorm of boxes, file folders, documents, and books, strewn about with reckless abandon. The best part is that none of it is mine. All of it, except for the computer that was so graciously transported down the hall, is from the guy before me. Before, at least I had a view of an alley, with living, breathing people occasionally walking down it. Now I have an awesome view of the wall of the next-door building, which is approximately 15 feet away. It's brown, the very same color of the mixture of blood, feces, Newcastle, hopelessness, and tar that courses through my veins. If you have ever thought it might be cool to be a lawyer, let me tell you to go to hell and die.

I'll leave you with a request. Through the help of YouTube, Jessie and I have recently become acquainted with a rather exciting phenomenon: making homemade rockets using Diet Coke and Mentos. This link provides a nice "how to." Since Jessie and I live in a highly crowded area, with no good spot to conduct what would no doubt be hundreds of experiments, I am asking you to try it out so that I can once again live vicariously through someone else whose life is more interesting than mine. Anyway, if you have more space, I would love for you to give it a try and let me know if it worked, how high it went, how many casualties, etc. If possible, video tape it, send it to me at, and I'll post it.

1 comment:

barry allen said...

to prevent blogger from hating you, load your photos before you type a word. every time i save a draft and then try to load them, it has never worked.

i'm sure the bar being over caused jubilation to happen to you. as idiots say, congrads.