Monday, March 12, 2007

GMYH Tournament Challenge

Alright loyal readers, you know you're better than me. It's almost a given at this point. But now you have your chance to prove it in a concrete manner. I have created a March Madness group on Yahoo, aptly entitled Give Me Your Handrew 2007.

Group ID: 38647
Password: gmyh

If the previous link doesn't get you there, go to the Yahoo Tournament Pick 'em home page and click on "Join a Group," then sign in and type in the group ID and password. Then pick your brackets. Unfortunately, Yahoo doesn't allow more than one bracket per person per group. Thus, you will be forced to put your best bracket forward. Make sure to submit your brackets before the first real game starts (Thursday 3/15 at noon EST).

This isn't for money or gold dubloons or bing cherries -- just glory. I wish you all bad luck, particularly Christoff and Anonymous, but not you Xun. I find your social experiment to be more than worthwhile.

Weekend recap will be coming tomorrow. As a teaser, it will involve at least 3 of the following 4 things: (1) Limey bastards, (2) getting hammered at an airport, (3) shitting at a bar, or (4) sobriety.

1 comment:

θΏ… said...

Dear Blogger,

We are a blog research team from Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media, Michigan State University ( We would like to ask for your kind help with “Social Cognitive Perspective of Blogging”, a dissertation research conducted by Xun Liu (, a PhD student in the Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies, and Media at Michigan State University.

Your opinions are very important to us and you are an ideal candidate to help. We would like very much to hear from you, and would greatly appreciate your time and willingness to respond.

Without your help, this kind of research would be impossible.

Please take a few minutes to read and answer the questionnaire on our research Web site: The survey has two parts. You may finish the Part One today. It should take about 25 minutes of your time, and your answers will be very valuable. We will contact you two weeks later and invite you to participate in Part Two of the online survey. The Part Two online survey will take 10 minutes or less to complete.
Participation is completely voluntary but, of course, greatly appreciated. We will mail you $3 cash upon completion of the Part One survey and $5 cash upon completion of the Part Two survey in appreciation of your participation. You must be between the ages of 18 and 65 to participate.

Your identity will be protected because responses will be coded to provide anonymity; No personal names will be used. If you have any questions about the study or the questionnaire, please do not hesitate contacting us at your convenience. In the near future, we will be happy to share our results with you.

Thank you so much for your time and kind help!

Xun Liu
Ph.D Candidate
Mass Media PhD Program
Department of Telecommunication, Information Studies and Media
Michigan State University