Sunday, January 18, 2009

Football = Pick-Up Trucks?

If I understand things correctly -- and I probably don't -- I am the only person watching the NFC Championship Game who does not own, or who is not in the market for, a pick-up truck. Seriously, every damn commercial break seems to feature at least one Chevy, Ford, Dodge, or Toyota commercial. Did you know that the Chevy Silverado gets 21 miles per gallon on the highway? Because I do. Or that a Toyota Tundra has a light engine block which somehow allows for a bigger payload? I don't even know what payload means or why I should care. Or that you can drive a Dodge Ram through fire?! I'm always ruining cars by driving through fire, so I guess this does provide a viable option. Or that the Ford F-150 has a fucking step that Denis Leary thinks you will use 60,000 times? Or that Howie Long thinks that step is unmanly? I guess he should know. After all, the man did star in Firestorm. Movies centered on smokejumpers and kidnapped bird watchers aside, I am sickened by the fact that I can spout off facts about every brand of pick-up that I will never own nor have a need or desire to own. Then again, I've always had major stability problems while towing my imaginary boat.

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