Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winning the Drew Lottery

There was a phrase my grandma would always tell be before I'd head out on a date or go hunting for gypsies: "You can't rape the willing." In some bizarre way, this sage wisdom transfers to today's story that Christina Raines -- the future dead ex-wife of Drew Peterson -- has moved in with Bolingbrook's most eligible bachelor. If -- no, when -- she disappears or is found drained of blood in an empty bathtub, should we even attempt to prosecute Drew Peterson? After all, it's not like she didn't know what was coming. Seriously, this is like a gay Milwaukeean in 1991 saying, "Sure, when I was at his place last night I noticed a couple skulls and some severed penises in his freezer and a drill and some hydrochloric acid on his coffee table next to a self-penned book entitled "How to Make Zombie Sex Slaves and Other Fun Things to Do with Drills, Hydrochloric Acid, and Gay Milwaukeeans," but there's just something so magnetic about him. I'm gonna see where this goes."

1 comment:

SchrockStar said...

that Fishers pilot gave a fake name at the hotel, Jason Galouzis of Bolingbrook!
