Wednesday, July 09, 2008

New Poll - Desert Island Music Decade

Well, the results are in on the effectiveness of strapping a sandwich board to yourself and handing out resumes. The GMYH readership does not think highly of creative job-seeking techniques. 75% of the voters thought that creative job-seeking techniques are more likely to backfire than anything else. 43% thought that the techniques are desperate and pathetic. On the other hand, 6% thought it shows creativity and 6% think these mad-cap techniques actually help someone get their foot in the door. (As you may recall, I allowed the selection of multiple options, which is why it adds up to more than 100%.)

This week's poll relates to the culmination of the GMYH All-Decade song extravaganza. If you were stuck on a desert island (yes, Holt, I realize that's an oxymoron) and you could listen to music from one (and only one) decade, which decade would it be? The '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, '90s, or '00s?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

isnt it 'deserted' island?