Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Tuesday Top Ten: Add a Word Ruin a Movie

This weekend on Facebook and Twitter, a fun game called Add a Word Ruin a Movie (#addawordruinamovie) seemed to take off.  The premise, as the name implies, is to add one word to a movie title, thereby creating a fictional movie that would be much worse than the original movie.  For instance, the first one I saw was Patriot Board Games.

Here are my ten favorite that I saw, in alphabetical order.  Some are my own, some are from my Facebook friends, and some are from random people I saw when I clicked on the hashtag.

1.  1492 Handies
2.  Charlotte's Web Cam
3.  Dirty Harry Balls
4.  Fisting Leonard: Part 6
5.  Lafayette Indiana Jones.  (For those of you not familiar with Lafayette, Indiana, it is a horrible, rancid place.)
6.  Orphans Die Hard
7.  Pearl Necklace Harbor
8.  Rick James and The Giant Peach
9.  Schindler's Grocery List
10.  She's Having a Baby Carrot

Honorable mention:  Batman Begins Pooping; Big Vaginas; The Joy Luck Fuck Club; Leaving Las Vegas Early; Raping Gandhi; Sex Toy Story; Tickle Fight Club

I strongly encourage you to post your own in the comments because I can't get enough of this.

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