Thursday, June 21, 2007

A-Z CDs - Day 32

Thursday? More like Kissday.
266. Kiss - Hotter Than Hell (last listen: 3 months to 1 year)
267. Kiss - Dressed to Kill (last listen: 0-3 months) - One of my favorite Kiss albums. I'm a fan of "Room Service," "Ladies in Waiting," and "Getaway." Of course the big hit off this one was "Rock and Roll All Nite."
268. Kiss - Alive! (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - One of the all-time classic live albums (and a double album at that), this was their first top 10 album. It's also a good introduction to Kiss's material up to this point (i.e., from their first three albums).
269. Kiss - Destroyer (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - This is another great album, starting off with a bang with "Detroit Rock City" and rocking for pretty much the whole album. "Shout It Out Loud" is a great song, as are "King of the Night Time World" and "God of Thunder." Ironically, "Beth" -- an acoustic ballad -- became the band's first top 10 hit and highest-charting hit to date, peaking at #7.
270. Kiss - Rock and Roll Over (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - Another classic, featuring "Calling Dr. Love" (one of my favorite Kiss songs), "Hard Luck Woman," and "Ladies Room."
271. Kiss - Love Gun (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - Ace Frehley requests -- no, implores -- you to shock him. Ace Frehley cannot be shocked. And what album is complete without an ode to Cynthia "Plaster Caster" Albritton, renowned caster of musicians' wangs in plaster? Not this one, although interestingly, she never cast any of Kiss's wangs.
272. Kiss - Alive II (last listen: 0-3 months) - Released exactly one month after I was born, this is their second live double album, although the last 4 songs on the second CD were recorded in the studio (and presented as such), while the last 2 songs on the first CD were recorded in the studio and crowd noise was later dubbed in.
273. L.A. Guns - L.A. Guns (last listen: 0-3 months) - Solid hair band.
274. Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - Great fucking album. It might be my favorite Zeppelin album. "Good Times Bad Times" and "Your Time is Gonna Come" are my two favorite songs off the album. "How Many More Times" is a close third, taking a Howlin' Wolf song to epic, boisterous levels. The other blues covers ("You Shook Me" and "I Can't Quit You Baby") are great, as are the classics, "Dazed and Confused" and "Communication Breakdown."
275. Led Zeppelin - II (last listen: 3 months to 1 year) - This one also might be my favorite Zeppelin album. "What Is and What Should Never Be" is one of my top 5 Zeppelin songs, and "Ramble On" is up there too. "The Lemon Song" (a take on Howlin' Wolf's "Killing Floor) oozes with sexual innuendo ("squeeze my lemon till the juice runs down my leg"). "Whole Lotta Love," "Heartbreaker," and "Thank You" are classics. "Bring It On Home" brings the album to a final booming crescendo.

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