Thursday, January 14, 2010

Indian Spring?

One of the very few things that is great about winter in the Midwest is when the temperature reaches above 30 degrees (like today, here in Chicago). When I was walking my autistic dog this morning, it felt like spring, even though is was only 33. No gloves or 180s this morning. Just a slightly lighter coat and cocksure grin. Last year, of course, the temperature in January never rose above 30, so this is a welcome surprise. Of course, my elation was tempered upon finding out that the inventor of Spaghetti-Os died, as did Teddy Pendergrass, who is, in fact, cooler than Freddie Jackson.

Also, according to the little map/tracker thing on my sidebar, I've been getting an inordinately high number of hits in the past couple days (anything over 100 hits in a single day is cause for concern), many of which appear to be from B-town and West Lafayette. Any idea why? I don't feel like I've written anything particularly relevant recently, or ever, for that matter, but thanks!


gregerson said...

Actually, the average temperature this time of year is 32. Last year just sucked balls.

Ghost of Armon Bassett said...

pendergrass is actually cooler than freddie jackson sipping a milkshake in a snowstorm. for the record.

wild guess: somebody posted "fuck purdue" on their facebook page and off the ticker went.