Saturday, December 05, 2020

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Beer: Aleman SoulMan Hot Cocoa with Marshmallow

Beer #5 in the beer advent calendar is definitely more in my wheelhouse than yesterday's double IPA.  It's a variant of Aleman's SoulMan, which is a "salted caramel brown ale," and is pretty damn good on its own.  This is a hot cocoa and marshmallow variant, and it's also very good.  It's got a toasty character to it and a sneaky 7.2% ABV, making it a great winter beer.  And on top of that, I believe one of the owners/brewers of Aleman is an IU alum, making it even that much better, especially today, with the Hoosiers' huge win at Wisconsin.

-Name:  SoulMan Hot Cocoa with Marshmallows
-Brewery:  Aleman Brewing Company
-Location:  Chicago, IL
-ABV:  7.2%
-IBU:  N/A
-Good for drinking if:  You want to drink a beer made by an IU grad in an IU bar glass while watching the IU football team beat its third ranked team of the season.
-Rating (out of five stars, by quarter star increments):  4.25

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