Thursday, December 17, 2020

It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Beer: Illuminated Dagger Flute

Beer #17 in the beer advent calendar has my favorite can so far.  It has two Gene Simmons lookalikes salivating over what appears to be an Egyptian dagger.  Perhaps it's a subtle nod to the contributions of Vinnie Vincent to KISS.  He was the Egyptian Ankh, after all.  Anyway, it's a citra IPA, so I didn't like the inside of the can.

-Name:  Dagger Flute
-Brewery:  Illuminated Brew Works
-Location:  Chicago, IL
-ABV:  6.0%
-IBU:  N/A
-Good for drinking if:  all hell's breakin' loose.
-Rating (out of five stars, by quarter star increments):  3

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