Monday, January 23, 2006

GMYH Health Update: Week Two

This last week wasn't so good. Various outside forces (read: food, drink, Germans, the devil) slowed my progress a bit. And I was only able to work out 4 times last week. This week, though, I have no traveling or distractions to impede my progress. Here are my current vitals:

Start: 182.8
Week 1: 179.4 (-3.4)
Week 2: 177.4 (-2.0)
Total Difference = -5.4

Start: 27.0
Week 1: 26.5 (-0.5)
Week 2: 26.2 (-0.3)
Total Difference = -0.8

Body Fat:
Start: 25.6%
Week 1: 24.8% (-0.8)
Week 2: 24.4% (-0.4%)
Total Difference = -1.2%

Again, the weight loss was okay, but the fat loss was not as good as I would have liked. Maybe my scale's body fat calculator isn't accurate. Or maybe it was the beer.

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