Thursday, October 26, 2006

Vote for This Video Again!

Hey everyone, you may recall a post a couple weeks ago about a high school classmate of mine who had entered the YouTube Snickers contest. Well, he is now in the semifinals!. Here is the link to his video. Click on the link and GIVE HIM 5 STARS. As he said, it's essentially an internet popularity contest, so the more views and the higher the votes he gets, the more likely it is that he wins.

We helped DJ Meg get a spot on RadioNow 93.1 in Indy, and we can sure as hell help Lou get a Snickers commercial or some prize money or a whole lotta Snickers or something.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

know what? i was going to vote for that video again. but then you told me to. so fuck it. nobody tells me what to do.