Thursday, August 17, 2006

Nearing 25,000

We are nearing the 25,000th visitor to GMYH. If you are Mr., Mrs., Ms., Miss, or Dr. 25,000, email me at (preferably with a screen shot showing the 25,000, just in case there are multiple claimants -- for a screen shot, press Ctrl + Print Screen, then paste it into the body of the email), and you will one day have a mildly entertaining fake biography written about you on GMYH, thus ensuring that people looking information about you through Google will be horribly misled.

And yes, I know I am hideously overdue at writing Mr. 15,000's bio, but I swear to you that I am working on it, and it will be posted at some point (certainly before the 25,000 bio).

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