Thursday, August 10, 2006

Shameless Non-Self Promotion

Former IU Pi Kapp and current nice guy (or so I assume) Pat "Proth" Roth emailed me (and everyone else in his address book) with a desperate plea. His wife is in a contest to become the next DJ at a radio station in Indianapolis. The winner will be chosen by the fans, which now include you and me.

Click on this link, which will take you to the contest's home page. Here name is DJ McKinzie. You will immediately recognize her the one who does not have a "face for radio." From what I remember of her, she is an extremely nice person and thus is completely deserving of your support.

In order to ensure victory for her (as explained in the two emails I received from Pat about this contest), click on DJ McKinzie and give her a ten rating, and then give each of her competitiors a one rating. The person with the best average score is the winner. She is currently neck-and-neck with a couple competitors. The contest ends next Monday at 5pm. Pat and DJ McKinzie thank you for your support.

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